Monday, May 9, 2011

The Lakers, Mothers Day, and other stuff....

Hahahahaha I know I'm catching the 3 readers I have off guard but hey until I have 100 subscribers that expect to read this on a specific day I can be a bit spontaneous.  Ok so last week we saw some interesting things with the NBA Playoffs.  It was also Mother's Day weekend....

Let us begin SHALL WE...I wanted to start with D Rose and his over publicized League MVP speech (maybe over publicized is the wrong term), well what I'm saying is that I applaud the media outlets for showing this well deserved honor and the eloquence in which this young 22 year old displayed in accepting the award.  In the most humbling and emotional manner he showed his gratitude for the privilege of being able to make a living playing a SPORT and he put it in perspective when thanking his mother.  Looking back on all her hard work and sacrifices pushes him through the days when he doesn't feel like "playing" (for those that have not played sports it is very very very very demanding and it consumes your life and some times like anything else you just don wanna).  My respect level for this young fella is at the peak because he always seems genuinely humble and thankful for his gift.  In other Playoff news the Los Kobes (I mean the L.A. Lakers) got their ass cut by the finally over the hump Mavericks and I can say I was pleased with the results and especially found humor in the going away present they gave Phil and Kobe.  Don't get it mixed up I'm not a Laker hater but Kobe although arguably the best or one of the best players to ever play is not high on my totem pole that the aforementioned D Rose is.  The overt arrogance and quest for greatness at any cost has a bit disturbing, maybe he is just "misunderstood" (obvious sarcasm and cliche') but the man (although a vet so I completely understand) didn't practice with the team all year yet he is the first the throw people under the bus if they don't play up to HIS standard (listen to his interviews prior to Bynums trustgate comments).  Nah speaking of HIS standard I truly think (I understand the sub-language that basketball players speak in interviews) that Bynum let the cat out the bag with his comments...TRUST ISSUES, hell with the team I think he was directly saying that Kobe was in PMS mode and was throwing folk under the bus in house.  Bynum is a bit of a goofball anyway but I understood it....(he, blake, odom, and/or barnes will all be gone next year and I could see D Howard coming there a la Shaq).  Quickly:  Rondo separates is elbow and comes back out there to play (now being a separated shoulder survivor lol) was quite a display of "manning up".  I have done that (read the previous parenthesis) and the next day soreness, pain, stiffness cant imagine in the elbow.  Now I have given props I will say when KG, Ray Ray, and Paul retire he will either need to go to another team or the C's will go back to the doldrums. 

Nah...on to the other subject briefly.  I want to send a Happy (tho belated) Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there and single fathers who get the job done. 

Y'all be good and if you have read this far down and actually like reading please refer a friend and or comment.


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